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Traffic Court can be a very time-consuming event.  Make sure that you have adequate representation.  Adequate representation will not only get you some of the best deals but it will also save you time.


Traffic tickets can be a burden in Houston and surrounding areas.  The assistant district attorneys in the Justice of the Peace courts strictly want to get you in and out of their court.


Q:  Where did you get the ticket? 

This question is important due to the cost factor.  Did you get the ticket in the City of Houston or in the County?


Q:  What were the violations on your ticket?  This is determined to find out if you are eligible for defensive driving or deferred adjudication.


Q:  How old are you?  

This is also to determine if you are eligible for only deferred adjudication.


Q:  How would you like to deal with your ticket? 

Some people generally don’t care and just want to keep it off their record.  Generally, we can do this without the burden of a trial.


Q:  Does your firm take traffic tickets to trial?

No, it would cost more money for a trial.  Instead of paying an attorney $75.00 for a ticket, it would cost around $500 for attorney time.


Q:  What is your fee for tickets?

The Vitelli Law Firm charges $75.00 for a traffic ticket.  This is for the attorney's time this does not include any court charges.


Q:  Can you get my ticket dismissed?

It depends.  My practice is to postpone the court date until trial.  On the date of trial, I will check the court file for any discrepancies on your ticket.  If it warrants, I will immediately file a motion to dismiss your case.  If there are no discrepancies then we simply check to make sure the police officer is present and/or any witnesses.  If they appear then I will discuss other options you may have.


Q:  Will I be in court all day?

Have not had that happen yet.  Most courts start between 8 am and 9 am.  Most of my clients are complete by 11 am.


Q: Am I required to be present in court?

Yes, but only on the date of trial.  Failure to appear in court on time will result in additional court costs and a warrant for your arrest.  The courts now have become stricter and require all defendants to be present during their court appearances. 


At The Vitelli Law Firm, it is my job as your attorney to get you the best representation possible and keep the ticket off your record.

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